Build to Suit

How to Construct Build-to-Suit Projects - Inbound Logistics

Bonjour Kwon 2017. 2. 6. 16:31

How to Construct Build-to-Suit Projects

BTS型施設 (びーてぃーえすがたしせつ)
BTSとは、Build To Suitの略。物流施設の種別の一つであり、入居予定テナントの要望に応じて建築された施設のこと

Increasingly, U.S. companies are embracing build-to-suit (BTS) development projects to leverage the capital, resources, and expertise of commercial real estate developers, while dictating the design, construction, and management of new facilities themselves.

Consider, for example, a company that wants to locate a distribution facility on the West Coast to accommodate growing inbound volume from Asia. The planned facility has unique design requirements to accommodate the business¹ specialized material handling equipment. Financing and building the warehouse is time- and cost-prohibitive; leasing or acquiring an existing facility would expedite the lead time of a build-to-own facility, but the company has concerns about potential renovation costs and accepting a multi-year lease at a facility with limited scalability. Plus, it does not want to sink a chunk of money into a new facility.

Instead, the company works with a third-party consultant to find available land, then secures a BTS contract with a real estate developer to acquire the land and bankroll the development and construction of the new facility per its requirements. The company will lease the facility, when completed, from the developer for a pre-determined period, while assuming all operational and maintenance costs and taxes.


In so doing, the company divests itself of land acquisition and development responsibilities while allocating time, resources, and capital to growing its business through mergers and acquisitions.

BTS developers assume all the responsibilities of a new facility - from securing land and acquiring development approvals to establishing a construction budget and coordinating and overseeing the construction phase.

A BTS blueprint provides a number of other benefits, including:

  • Businesses can dictate where they want to locate a facility - keeping in mind transportation connectivity and labor availability.
  • Tenants can use a single developer to coordinate land acquisition, design, construction, and funding.

  • Companies can reduce up-front costs by agreeing to lease rates at 30 to 40 percent of design, saving time and money, and expediting the project¹s time frame.

  • Predictable long-term occupancy reduces costs associated with rent negotiations and moves, and helps increase employee retention.
  • BTS projects enable companies to better match their distribution and warehousing needs with market demands - for example, building a large, high-volume facility near an intermodal hub to speed product to market.

Tip the Scales in Your Favor

KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. Businesses have three options when it comes to expanding into a new facility: they can invest in and build their own; lease or purchase an existing facility and make necessary renovations; or partner with a developer to design and build a new facility for lease. Each option has its own advantages and drawbacks in terms of cost, customization, and time specifications. Businesses are best served by prioritizing these factors to determine what strategy best suits their growth plans.

KNOW WHAT YOU NEED. Implementing a build-to-suit strategy challenges businesses to forecast their long-term growth goals and needs. Some questions to consider: Where is the optimal location for a new DC? Will the location and facility serve your future transportation needs? What kind of material handling systems will be integrated in the facility and how will that impact design and use? It is equally important to build some flexibility into new facilities to account for operational and tactical changes or increases/decreases in capacity


KNOW YOUR DEVELOPERS. Look for a developer that can provide one point of contact for the entire scope of the project. Also look at whether a real estate company has experience working with your type of business. What kinds of projects has it completed? What industry sectors does it serve? Does it understand your unique transportation and distribution needs? Some companies will specifically partner with a developer that has built an industrial park complex where infrastructure, environmental, and zoning approvals are already in place.



ラサール不動産投資顧問株式会社(日本法人所在地:東京都千代田区、代表取締役兼CEO 中嶋康雄、以下「ラサール不動産投資顧問」)は、狭山日高フルフィルメントセンター(埼玉県日高市)、ロジポート平塚新町(神奈川県平塚市)及びAZ-COM MK OSAKA(大阪府堺市)の3件の物流施設を本日12月9日に譲渡しましたことをお知らせします。これら3物件の譲渡金額の合計は、約225億円で、当社想定NOI※2利回りは約4.3%です。
各企業による物流効率化の過程で、交通利便性に優れたエリアに立地する近代的な物流施設へのニー ズが高まっています。ラサール不動産投資顧問は今後も各企業の戦略的物流拠点となる適地を見定め、テナント企業活動のニーズとコア投資家に応える物流施設開発とを進めてまいります。
※1 ビルド・トゥ・スーツ型=特定企業向け
※2 Net Operating Incomeの略で、賃料から不動産運用費用(物件管理費、日常的な修繕費、固定資産税などの運営諸経費)を控除した純不動産運用利益のこと。NOIから資本的支出を差し引くと、不動産運用から得られるキャッシュフローが算出される
ラサール インベストメント マネージメントについて
ラサール インベストメント マネージメントは、世界有数の不動産投資顧問会社です。世界規模で、私募、公募の不動産投資活動、負債性投資をしており、総運用資産残高は約601億米ドル(2016年9月末現在)。主要顧客は、世界の公的年金基金、企業年金基金、保険会社、政府関連、企業、その他基金(大学基金他)などで、世界中の機関や個人投資家の資金管理を行い、セパレートアカウント型、オープンエンド型ファンド、クローズドエンド型ファンド、公募証券、エンティティレベル投資等の手法で投資を行っています。また、世界最大級の総合不動産サービス企業であるジョーンズ ラング ラサール グループ(ニューヨーク証券取引所上場:JLL)傘下にあります。なお、ラサール不動産投資顧問株式会社は、ラサール インベストメント マネージメントの日本法人です。詳しい情報は、をご覧ください。