Coconut Water 101

Jax Coco has just launched its Extra Virgin Centrifuged Coconut Oil (EVCCO), which claims to be the purest organic coconut oil

April 1st, 2015 ● BEAUTYBy Sunday World We already know coconut oil is a wonder product for skin, so why not try using it in a homemade beauty recipe? This multitasker’s antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties have been celebrated for some time. Coconut oil has been hailed as a saviour for every skincare problem ranging from stretch marks, to c..

Coconut Water 2015.04.02

Look beyond UK for coconut water sales, researchers urge.there are several unexploited potential countries

26 January 2015 Although UK consumption is due to be around 25m litres in 2015, much higher growth is expected from Japan, Canada, and France While the UK’s coconut water market is thriving, new research suggests there are several unexploited countries that could hold even further potential for the product. Datamonitor Consumer’s latest research &#111&#11..

Coconut Water 2015.01.30

Coconut water has gone crazy in the US and Europe, but there are still key markets waiting to be cracked

26 January 2015 Simple lack of innovation could be the problem in untapped markets (Source: Getty) Coconut water is already a thriving market in the UK and US, but demand for the packaged drink is now spilling out into other countries such as Japan and Canada.   The drink has gained popularity in recent years because of its purported health benefits, which include ..

Coconut Water 2015.01.28

비주류에서 주류로'..음료시장, 대체음료‏ 뜬다.◆ 운동 시에는 수분 공급 효과 뛰어난 코코넛 음료등

2014.10.23 최근 음료 업계에서는 맥주, 탄산음료, 우유나 두유 등의 제품 대용으로 즐길 수 있는 대체음료가 각광을 받고 있다. 소비 취향이 점차 다양화되면서 기존 음료와 비슷하지만 전혀 다른 특징을 갖추고 있어 보다 색다르고 트렌디하게 즐길 수 있는 제품을 찾는 이들이 늘..

Coconut Water 2014.10.24

CocoAkvo - The First Coconut Water Distributor To Go Public Announces First Day Of Trading On GXG Markets' First Quote

, October 1, 2014 /PRNewswire CocoAkvo Ltd. (GXG: COCO), a health beverage company which provides the best tasting certified organic coconut water, today announced it has been admitted to the European Stock Exchange GXG Markets' OTC list First Quote and has commenced trading under the ticker COCO. During the past three years, the UK, US and World compound annual grow..

Coconut Water 2014.10.06

Maple water,( has long been known as a health-concoction in South Korea. ) Is this product the next coconut water? boosts the metabolism

Coconut Water has jumped from relative obscurity to a health-drink powerhouse in the last seven years, going from close to $0 in sales in 2004 to over $400 million in 2013. While soda and non-fresh juice sales are slipping, sales of all waters (including fitness and plant-based waters) have grown 7% since 2013 and produce section beverages have jumped 13% since 2013,..

Coconut Water 2014.09.03

Is coconut all it's cracked up to be? Sales are soaring of the 'superfood' water, oil, milk and yoghurt - but what's its true value?

01 Sep 2014 Coconut is a staple dairy substitute and said to cure array of ailments Registered dietician Sophie Classens explains the real pros and cons It's a staple dairy substitute and increasingly said to be a 'superfood' able to cure an array of ailments from heart disease to Altzheimers. And as well as coconut water, milk, yoghurt, sugar, flesh and oil, new coc..

Coconut Water 2014.09.01