■ Farmland Fund

Farmland has been a great investment Farmland has always been worth more than its productive value.

Bonjour Kwon 2018. 6. 11. 12:41

That’s because it’s an investment as well as being an income generating asset.



Updated: June 8, 2018.

Over the past decade, very few investments have performed as well as farmland. Saskatchewan continues to be the province with the lowest overall farmland values, but the yearly increases have been strong and consistent.


A colleague recently alerted me to a real estate listing from southeast Saskatchewan where the asking price on six quarters of land was $4 million. That’s well over $4,000 an acre.


Now, that’s an asking price and not a sale price, but up until now the top sales of bare dryland ground have been about $1,000 an acre lower.


It’s gotten to the stage where some observers are pointing at rising farmland values as a big concern.


A Canadian Senate committee recently came out with an underwhelming report saying that farmland prices are threatening the viability of the family farm and even the mainstream media is doing stories on how inflated farmland values are bad.


On the contrary, high farmland values are a sign of a healthy agriculture sector. And since most farms continue to be family farms, the viability of family farms has never been better.


Analysts like to trot out statistics about how much farmland will change hands in the next decade and how most farms do not have a younger generation interested in taking over. That’s why farms continue to get larger and the number of producers continues to shrink. If there wasn’t a strong market for land, that would be truly worrisome.


To be sure, the magnitude of farmland price escalation is startling, but it isn’t as evil or undesirable as many are claiming.


According to the detractors, young people interested in farming can’t afford to get in. This has been true throughout the generations. Farmland has always been worth more than its productive value. That’s because it’s an investment as well as being an income generating asset.


Ten or 15 years ago, returns from grain farming were dismal and even though land was cheap by today’s standards, you still couldn’t pay it off with what it produced.


Every family situation is different, but most people only get their start in farming because the previous generation gives them a break. The outgoing generation needs money to retire. The incoming generation shouldn’t assume more debt than the operation can afford. And non-farming siblings need to be considered in the succession equation. All of this isn’t easy, but strong asset values provide a lot of options.



Outside investment in farmland has caused a lot of angst. While non-farm investment money has certainly been a factor in the price rise, it appears that outside investment has slowed. Most of the price increase has always come from farmers bidding against other farmers. It’s the marketplace at work.


On coffee row in rural Saskatchewan you can usually find someone proclaiming that all the buyers of high-priced land will be sorry someday when prices crash.


We should be careful what we wish for. Dropping land prices will only occur if farm profitability goes in the dumpster for an extended period. In that case, land might be cheaper, but even more difficult to afford.


In the U.S., farmland values have dropped the past few years in many areas due to poor corn and soybean prices. In Canada, we’ve been shielded from much of that pain due to the low value of our dollar.


One legitimate worry may be the growing attitude that farmland values will never drop. Given that perspective, farmland is always a good investment. It’s never too expensive. It’s only going to increase in value. It’s a sure thing.


What goes up can come down. From the early 1980s until the early ’90s, Saskatchewan land prices steadily declined. Most markets don’t go up indefinitely. If too many farmers aren’t taking that into account, a future correction could be sharp and painful.


Rising farmland prices in themselves are not overly worrisome. However, a mindset that assumes no downside risk is a cause for concern.



Kevin Hursh is an agrologist, journalist and farmer. He may be reached at kevin@hursh.ca.