■ Farmland Fund

Tax cap on farmland applauded

Bonjour Kwon 2013. 10. 25. 07:16

25 10월, 01:59www.mpnnow.com


State Sen. Ted O'Brien, D-Irondequoit, whose district includes part of ontario County, praised a new law that limits the annual increase on taxes on agricultural land to 2 percent. O'Brien said in a release that he co-sponsored the legislation that is being signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


 "Like many other residents of Rochester and the Finger Lakes, local farmers have struggled with ever-increasing property tax bills. This cap is an important step towards preserving a signature element of our economy and maintaining the quality of life in Upstate New York," O'Brien stated.


 Previously, annual increases could be as much as 10 percent. The new legislation, S.1952, mirrors a 2-percent cap placed on residential property taxes during the 2011 session and reduces the maximum possible annual increase by 80 percent. "This cap is a very important part of the solution to the property tax problem," stated O'Brien.