Today’s Facility Manager Names Ted Bielicky, CFM 2014 Facility Executive of
the Year
Posted on: February 11th, 2014
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(’’ss FFaacciilliittyy Maannaaggeerr announces that
Ted Bielicky, CFM, senior director of facilities for pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk has been selected as
the 2014 Facility Executive of the Year.
Now in its 12th year, this award recognizes an individual for outstanding performance in their work on a
particular project as well as the broader impact they have on their organizations.
“This award shines the spotlight on an outstanding member of this challenging profession,” says
Anne Cosgrove, TTFFM Editor in Chief. “It is our honor to present the accomplishments of Ted
Bielicky to other members of the facility management field in the upcoming issue of TFM.”
Working at Novo Nordisk since 2002, Bielicky guided the design and construction of the
company’s new North American headquarters in Plainsboro, NJ. In April 2013, the company moved
1,200 of its employees into the facility after a complete gut and renovation, which transformed a
1980s era office building into a bright, modern, flexible place to work. It is anticipated that the
facility will earn LEED Silver certification.
As senior director of facilities for Novo Nordisk, Bielicky leads the company’s strategic occupancy
planning initiatives and facility operations and services in the United States. In addition to the
Plainsboro facility, he is responsible for the company’s sales offices throughout the country. He
holds the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) credential from the International Facility Management
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Association (IFMA), is a past vice president of the organization’s New Jersey chapter, and a past recipient of its Distinguished Member
Award. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of New Hampshire’s Belknap College. year’s Facility Executive of the
Year entries were reviewed by a panel of five judges, all active in the facility management profession, based on a
five-tiered scoring system. The judges score entries according to how well the candidates demonstrate innovation,
management, pro-business impact, human improvements, and sustainability through the course of a major project.
Bielicky and his project are featured in Today’s FFaacciilliittyy Maannaaggeerr’’ss January/February 2014 issue here