■ Farmland Fund 467

real estate economist believes farmland is not at risk of becoming a “bubble” and will continue to be a solid investment.

November 21, 2013 Economist touts farmland as a solid investment Mark Dotzour, chief economist and director of research at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University, delivered that prediction Wednesday as the keynote speaker at the Great Plains Land Expo. Investors have flocked to agricultural land and other investments, including gold and apartments, as a hedge against t..

■ Farmland Fund 2013.11.25

3 Reasons Farmland Values Could Head South Compared to last year, farmland values have increased, but several signs to .

3 Reasons Farmland Values Could Head South Compared to last year, farmland values have increased, but several signs point to a moderation or slight decline in values. For the past few years, farmland values have been on a constant incline. Farmers can expect their land to continue to hold value, but most bankers expect values to soon plateau, according to reports fro..

■ Farmland Fund 2013.11.22