By Kathleen Gallagher of the Journal Sentinel Feb. 27, 2016
As the global middle class grows and its appetite for protein expands, a Union Grove money manager is proposing a relatively new way for individual investors to play the trend: farmland.
It is a well-known phenomenon that as they gain wealth, emerging market consumers add more protein to their diets.
And the shift from rice to chicken and pork fuels demand for grain.
"It takes about eight pounds of grain to create one pound of meat, so demand goes up geometrically as more and more meat is consumed," said Richard P. Imperiale, president of Uniplan Advisors Inc.
In the U.S., farmland properties have regularly outperformed other real estate asset classes over the long term, Imperiale said.
Land has near-zero vacancy rates, owners collect the lease payments upfront, and there is no maintenance or capital expenditures because farmers who lease the land handle those costs, Imperiale said.
Unlike with commercial buildings, there's little risk that farmland will grow obsolete, he said. Unlike with industrial assets, there's no economic depreciation.
And farmland provides annual income for the owners who lease it out to farmers who work the land.
"Institutional investors have understood this for the last 20 years and owned a lot of farmland, but this is the first opportunity for investors to own farmland without buying it directly themselves," Imperiale said.
That opportunity has presented itself in three relatively new real estate investment trusts, or REITs, that own farmland, he said.
Further bolstering this trend: In the U.S., which has the best farmland in the world, the average age of a farmer is 56, Imperiale said.
Many of them have had land in their families for decades, and face challenges passing it on to the next generation —if there is one that wants to farm — because of estate tax issues, he said.
Farmland Partners Inc. (FPI), Denver, owns and seeks to acquire crop farmland in agricultural markets in the U.S.
Farmland Partners, which went public in May, is the largest of the three farmland REITs now available to investors, Imperiale said. It is still small, though, relative to the overall landscape, with a market cap of less than $130 million.
"This is the one with the management talent and the experience and strategy to grow bigger over time," he said.
The company's portfolio contains 123 farms with a total of more than 100,000 acres in the Midwest and Southeast, he said.
The majority of the farms, none of which are in Wisconsin, grow primary crops like corn, soybeans and wheat.
Farmland Partners crafts one- to five-year leases with local farmers, who work the land at their own expense. The company aims for a 4.5% or more return from leasing income and participating in profits on crop yields, Imperiale said.
"Right now the crop yield piece is a little less attractive, but commodity prices go up and down," he said.
Farmland Partners has a manageable $190 million of long-term debt, and a healthy dividend yield of 4.9%, Imperiale said.
One of the biggest risks here is weather, but that is partially mitigated with crop insurance, he said. As water becomes a tougher commodity to access, there is also a risk there, he added.
These shares trade at a discount of about 16.5% to the company's net asset value of $12.25, he said.
They have a 52-week trading range of $9.54 to $12.55. And they have the potential to provide a 21.5% total return over the next 12 to 18 months, Imperiale said.
"This is the kind of investment that could run for a decade, though, as more people understand it and as the company buys more farms, gets more scale and impr