Photo ©BiteHunter
Even frugal shoppers like fine dining -- especially when those delicious meals are offered at a discount. Let the app know your location and it will give you all of the restaurant deals in your area. This app changes from one day to the next, so you'll have a variety of dining options. (Free -- Apple; coming soon for Android)
Mobile Dining Apps LocalEats & BiteHunter Announce Partnership
Dec 6, 2011
Mobile dining apps for foodies on the go, LocalEats and BiteHunter, are today announcing a new content-sharing partnership. Starting now, LocalEats’ users looking for a dining deal will see information from BiteHunter’s deals database, while BiteHunter’s users will see a restaurant synopsis provided by LocalEats.
Since both apps are operating in the same space, but are not direct competitors, this type of partnership makes sense. Maybe more app developers should do the same?
In the updated applications, you can see a “powered by BiteHunter” banner in LocalEats deals sections and, in BiteHunter, LocalEats is listed among other dining resources, including Yelp.
The partnership should help these relative newcomers to the mobile dining space, who don’t have the brand name recognition of a Zagart or Urbanspoon. But it has a secondary benefit too: it helps to introduce an app’s users to another app they may also like.
You often see app cross-promotion through mobile ads and other app monetization and distribution deals, but you don’t as regularly see app promotions through content sharing deals. But such initiatives should be more common – apps aren’t a zero sum game. Users can (and do) install multiple apps that serve similar purposes.
Within the over-crowded photo app community, for example, some developers recently began participating in app cross promotion through the PhotoAppLink initiative, which lets users export photo edits between apps directly, without having to save first to the camera roll. Even though, like BiteHunter and DealHunter, all the participants are after the same typBiteHunter for iPhone
By Philip Michaels
Macworld |
JAN 2, 2012 11:25 AM PT
Generic Company Place Holder BiteHunter - Dining Deals for Restaurants
If you’re always on the lookout for a bargain, this is your golden age. An entire cottage industry has sprung up around the concept of the daily deal—a limited-time offer that allows you, the crafty consumer with one eye on the bottom line, to shave some bucks off a price tag. Websites, email alerts, and even dedicated businesses now serve up an array of buy-one-get-one-free, half-off, and free-with-purchase offers. Just one problem with this surfeit of savings—how do you keep track of all these deals?
BiteHunter thinks it’s come up with the solution, at least for bargain hunters with empty stomachs. The company’s self-titled iPhone app aggregates real-time dining deals from a multitude of sources, letting you access a list of deals in your immediate vicinity directly from your iOS device. BiteHunter works more or less as advertised, but not without some hiccups along the way.e user (in this case, photo editors, not foodies), the idea is that working together may have more of an advantage than independent marketing efforts alone would have had.
So, more of this please, app developers! And even better, let users tap on an app’s icon from within your app to open another app directly. And then tap again to go back. It’s not like it can’t be done…remember?
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