Coconut Water 101

Are the health claims about coconut water nuts? Coconut water can help hydrate you and provide you with needed potassium,

but that doesn’t make it any more beneficial than drinking water and eating bananas. (Hafiz Issadeen / Flickr) 	J. C. Lee Posted on Aug. 2, 2014 Coconut water first entered the American market about a decade ago to claims of its health benefits, as reported by The New York Times. It’s the clear fluid from young, green coconuts that’s commonly sold in squ..

Coconut Water 2014.08.05

필리핀(전세계수출의60%).태풍 피해로 글로벌 코코넛 공급 비상. 레드불 차이나 코코넛위터에 대한 중국관심 늘면서 '비타코코'지분25%매입

최종수정 2014.07.29 14:18기사입력 2014.07.29 14:18 한해 태풍 20차례·위력 강해져…수요 증가와 맞물려 수급 불균형 불가피 [아시아경제 조목인 기자]글로벌 코코넛 수출의 '큰 손'인 필리핀을 강타한 태풍으로 전 세계 코코넛 공급에 차질이 생길 것으로 보인다고 미국 경제 전문 채널 ..

Coconut Water 2014.07.30

Why coconut water will get more expensive. "The damage is likely to accelerate the decline of the coconut production . Philippines Typhoons"

Typhoons have battered the Philippines over the past year and the country's already vulnerable coconut trees took a hit even as demand for trendy coconut-based products is climbing. "Tree damage is likely to accelerate the decline of the coconut production in the Philippines," said Jason Wong, a research analyst at Euromonitor, in an email. "Even after..

Coconut Water 2014.07.30