Coconut Water 101

리얼코코넛워터, 5.25일 GS25 론칭 기념 이벤트.이마트.갤러리아 백화점에서도 판매

친구에 리얼코코넛워터 소개하면, 한 박스 공짜 2014.05.27  (화) 09:38:20	 온라인 뉴스팀 (@) '리얼코코넛워터'가 페이스북(을 통해 GS25 론칭기념 이벤트를 진행한다고 밝혔다. 5월 중순부터 GS25에 입점하게 된 리얼코코넛워터는 5월 30일까지 페이스북 친..

Coconut Water 2014.06.18

헤어케어 브랜드 오가닉스,(Organix). 신사동 라까사호텔 하연주와 신제품 코크넛워터등 출시 프레젠테이션 '성료'

해변에 온 기분 직접 만끽하세요" 신동훈 기자 sinsark@cosinkorea기사 입력 2014-05-30 1 [코스인코리아닷컴 신동훈 기자] 헤어케어 브랜드 오가닉스(Organix)가 지난 5월 28일 신사동에 위치한 라까사 호텔에서 2014년 신제품 출시를 기념하는 첫 프레젠테이션을 성황리에 마쳤다.   오가..

Coconut Water 2014.06.18

신세계백화점도 과일을 잘라 코코넛 워터와 함께 얼린 이색 아이스바 '브릭팝'으로 상당한 고객 유입 효과를 보고 있다.

"대기순번만 500번" 백화점의 팥빙수 경쟁 현대백화점 '밀탑' 고객 유입효과 톡톡..갤러리아 등도 유명 빙수전문점 입점 확대 2014.06.09 16:59+크게 (머니투데이 엄성원 기자) '담장 옆에 국화꽃 빙수'/사진=갤러리아백화점 100세까지 병원비 돌려받는 실비보험이 대세~ 친구끼리 ..

Coconut Water 2014.06.18

If you haven’t heard about America’s love affair with coconut oil by now, you’ve probably been living under a rock

2014.6.14 The Testing Ground: Nuts about coconut. If you haven’t heard about America’s love affair with coconut oil by now, you’ve probably been living under a rock for the past few years. So it’s no surprise that a company has turned coconut oil’s health-boosting properties into a snack that’s tasty, cute and easy to eat. Nutiva is a brand that focuses &..

Coconut Water 2014.06.15

Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA). targets improving coconut production nationwide to ensure supply of this top dollar-earner

By: Catherine J. Teves, Philippines News Agnecy June 15, 2014 MANILA, Philippines - Government bolstered its bid &#111&#110 improving nationwide production of coconut to ensure supply of this top dollar-earner despite last year's &#111&#110slaught of super typhoon 'Yolanda' (international name 'Haiyan') in Central Philippines, a coconut-producing area..

Coconut Water 2014.06.15

Coconut water rejuvenates..Many canned coconut water brands contain preservatives, chemicals and sugar, so be sure to read the labels

12 June, 2014 By: Donna Mitchell Temperatures are beginning their summer climb, and staying hydrated is very important. Water is essential to life. Experts recommend at least eight glasses of water per day, and here in Cayman, we require more. For those who work outside, it is essential that they drink enough fluid during the day to avoid heat exhaustion, dehydration..

Coconut Water 2014.06.13

Coconut water drink.  The market is expecting to grow a$1b industry in the US and Europe within just 7 years.

5 June, 2014 New Zealand’s first coconut water company, Coco’s Coconut Company, has launched the nation’s very first coconut water drink, Coaqua. Latest News VIDEO: Countdown to the Food Magazine Awards Woolworths demands growers pay for Jamie Oliver campaign Nestle to ditch weak food brands in favour of scientific lines Chinese noodles to trade &#111&#..

Coconut Water 2014.06.08