Seal & Pack 16

American Securities is a leading middle-market private equity firm with one.$13 billion under management ong-term equity partners investing in management teamsAmerican Securities is a leading middle-market private equity firm with one of the most consistent track records in the industry of building successful, enduring businesses. We invest in North American based companies with revenues ranging from $500 million to $2 billion and currently hav..

Seal & Pack 2015.12.02

[2015 하반기 대한민국 우수특허 대상] 씰앤팩: 링필 라이너, 완벽한 용접 밀봉에 개봉 캡

링필 라이너, 완벽한 용접 밀봉에 개봉 캡 [2015 하반기 대한민국 우수특허 대상] 씰앤팩한국일보 한국일보: 수정: 2015.11.04 21:22 포장재 전문기업 씰앤팩 전경 씰앤팩(대표 위세황,은 2011년 4월 설립된 인덕션 씰링용 다층 포장재 제조 전문기업이다. 현재 전세계 다국적 캡 제조..

Seal & Pack 2015.11.11

American Securities is a leader in middle-market private equity with one of the most consistent track records in the industr American Securities Closes $5 Billion Private Equity Fund at Hard Cap DEFINITION OF 'MIDDLE MARKET FIRM' A firm with sizeable annual revenues, ranging from $50 million to $1 billion. As the term implies, such a firm is one that straddles the "middle market" between the smaller companies and the billion-dollar giants. In the case of profession..

Seal & Pack 2015.11.03

화장품용기업체 연우,‘화려한 시장데뷔’.독보기술.전세계 브랜드고객사 확보.수출내수균형.제약.생활용품등으로 확장.매출1,688억원영업이익 121억

상장 첫 날 29.84% ↑ 가치 인정 기관투자자 수요예측 긍정 평가 2015-11-03 화장품 용기를 생산해 수출하는 연우(인천 서구 가좌동)가 코스닥 시장에 화려하게 등장했다. 화장품용기 제조업체로는 인천지역 첫 코스닥 상장이다. 국내 최고 수준의 화장품 용기 제조 기술력을 갖고 있는 연우는..

Seal & Pack 2015.11.03

Packaging firm eyes doubling size of plant.Tekni-Plex Inc. is considering plans to add manufacturing space to its existing R&D lab.

by TYREL LINKHORN BLADE BUSINESS WRITER Published: Friday, 8/28/2015 Tekni-Plex Inc. looks to add a manufacturing facility to its research and development operation in Springfield Township where 30 people are employed. THE BLADE/KATIE RAUSCH Enlarge | Buy This Photo A Pennsylvania plastics company that does its global research and development in northwest Ohio is looking to in..

Seal & Pack 2015.10.01