■ 집합투자기구관련 제도,법규등

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors(RICS) is a professional as chartered surveyors.accredits professionals within land,property.etc

Bonjour Kwon 2016. 3. 21. 13:48

Professional body


Headquarters 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD


Region served



120,000 (2015)


The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a professional as chartered surveyors.body that accredits professionals within the land, property and construction sectors worldwide.


Members holding RICS qualifications may use the following designations after their name: MRICS (Member), FRICS (Fellow), AssocRICS (Associate). Those with the designation MRICS or FRICS are also known as chartered surveyors.





History Edit


The RICS was founded in London as the "Institution of Surveyors" after a meeting of 49 surveyors at the Westminster Palace Hotel on 15 June 1868. The inaugural president was John Clutton (who founded Cluttons, a property firm still in business today). RICS has occupied headquarters on the corner of Great George Street and Parliament Square since then.[1] It received a Royal charter as "The Surveyors' Institution" on 26 August 1881.[2][note 1]


The Surveyors' Institution became the "Chartered Surveyors' Institution" in 1930.[3] In 1946, George VI granted the title "Royal" and in 1947 the professional body became the “Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors”. [4]


International presence Edit


The RICS headquarters is in London with its main support functions in Coventry. There are regional offices in the United Kingdom, across mainland Europe, in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, North America and Brazil.


In 2015, there were RICS-qualified professionals in more than 140 countries. The total number of those accredited worldwide was 120,000, plus student membership of 81,000. The majority of accredited individuals or members are still based in the United Kingdom with large numbers also in mainland Europe, Australia and Hong Kong. There is now a strong growth globally, and particularly in China, India and the Americas.


The RICS has close links with many national surveying institutions and is a founding member association of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). Within the RICS the primary areas of practice represented at FIG are geomatics (land and hydrographic survey), environment, planning, construction and valuation.


The RICS works in close collaboration with other professional bodies, central banks and international organisations such as The United Nations, World Bank and The European Union. In 2013 the RICS was a founder member of the coalition to develop International Property Measurement Standards, which launched its first standard – for measuring office space – in November 2014. In 2014 the RICS was a founder member of the coalition to develop International Ethics Standards. In each case, coalition member bodies are committed to implementing the new standards through training and guidance for professional practitioners.


Membership Edit


Entry to membership of the RICS is via four main routes: academic; graduate; technical; and senior professional. The RICS has links with universities worldwide, with whom they have accredited approved courses which satisfy part of the qualification requirements to become trainee surveyors. The RICS also offers expedited routes to membership for qualified professional members of some partner associations.


The RICS requires members to update their knowledge and competence during their working life through Continuing Professional Development.


Associate members may use "AssocRICS" after their names (previously members at this level were known as Technical Members and used the designation "TechRICS").[5]

Professional Members may use "MRICS" after their names (previously members at this level were known as Professional Associates and used the designation "ARICS").

Fellows may use "FRICS" after their names.

Honorary members may use “HonRICS” after their names.

Individuals holding the professional MRICS or FRICS designation are entitled to use the professional title designation "Chartered Surveyor" and variations such as "Chartered Building Surveyor" or "Chartered Quantity Surveyor", depending on their chosen specialist qualifications and field of expertise.


Professional Groups Edit


The RICS specifies areas of specialism, each with its own professional group, clustered into Land, Property and Construction. Within each professional group there may be further specialisms.[6]


Property Professional Groups Land Professional Built Environment Professional Groups

Arts & Antiquities Environment Building Control

Commercial Property Geomatics Building Surveying

Dispute Resolution Minerals & Waste Project Management

Facilities Management Planning & Development Quantity Surveying & Construction

Machinery & Assets Rural Dilapidations forum

Management Consultancy Telecom forum Insurance forum

Residential property


Building conservation forum

Specialist accreditations Edit


The RICS aims to cover, among its practising members, property and construction related expertise generally. Specialised areas of practice expertise for which accreditation is available include:


Building Information Modelling (BIM) Manager Certification

Building Conservation

Chartered Environmentalists

Dispute Resolution

ECO Assessor Certification

Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme

Valuer Registration.

Past Presidents


RICS Matrics Edit


The junior branch of the RICS, known as Matrics (pronounced "matrix"), provides educational support, charitable and networking activities for surveying students, trainee surveyors (of any age) and Chartered Surveyors with ten years or less post-qualification experience.[8] It comprises some 40 local groups across the United Kingdom. Established in 1889 as the Junior Committee, it became the "Junior Organisation" ("JO") in 1928 and was re-branded as "RICS Matrics" in 2003. It also has links with the Young Chartered Surveyors in the Republic of Ireland.




Charitable works