NZ .호주부동산

Auckland Mayor Len Brown says he'll fast-track the central rail link (CRL), starting construction in 2016, if he is re-elected.

Bonjour Kwon 2013. 9. 14. 23:02

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Local Body Elections




Last updated 16:22 11/09/2013




"Improving rail is crucial because every Aucklander that we can get on to public transport is another car off the road," he said.


"If I am re-elected, Auckland Council will develop a funding proposal for presentation to the Government that will facilitate construction commencing in 2016."


The proposed link would extend the existing rail line underground through Britomart, under Albert, Vincent and Pitt streets and beneath Karangahape Rd and the central motorway junction to Symonds St before emerging above ground to join the western line near Eden Tce.


It would be built in two 3.5-kilometre-long tunnels up to 45 metres below the city.


The Government will contribute half of the $2.86 billion needed for the CRL but wants construction to start in 2020.


Unless the CRL was built soon, Auckland transport would grind to a halt, Brown said.


"By 2021, unless we have the CRL, we will have gridlock. Auckland's bus network will have reached capacity, and speeds on city-centre roads will have dropped to 7kmh."


Auckland's transport network was set to receive a $10b upgrade, but increased rail capability would have the most significant role in reducing congestion, he said.


"If we are going to stop gridlock in Auckland, we have to offer a quality public transport alternative, and the CRL will have the biggest impact across the Auckland transport system," Brown said.


The CRL was expected to double the city's rail network capacity and have trains passing through stations every five to 10 minutes, he said.


"If re-elected, I will continue to push the wide range of initiatives needed as we move to an integrated transport system balancing quality public transport, roads, and walking and cycling," he said.


"We need a balanced approach if we are to get Auckland moving, tackle congestion and make Auckland the world's most livable city."




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