
서울바이오시스 LED 개발 및 제조 연결종속회사"센서 일렉트로닉 테크놀로지(SETi :Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc., 미국) 주식 188억 추가취득, 지분65.6%로 UV LED 사업 확대위한 안정적기반마련

Bonjour Kwon 2020. 9. 22. 22:24


  • 입력 : 2020.09.22


서울바이오시스 자회사인 센서 일렉트로닉 테크놀로지는 채무상환 자금 조달을 목적으로 252억6132만원 규모의 유상증자를 결정했다고 122일 공시했다. 신주는 총 724만3391주가 발행되며 보통주 1주당 액면가액은 12원이다. 증자는 주주배정으로 진행되며 기존 증자시 발행가액(주당 3달러)으로 이사회에서 결정한다. 보통주 1주당 신주배정주식수는 0.3951595주다.

출처 : 비즈트리뷴(http://www.biztribune.co.kr)



코스닥 상장사 서울바이오시스[092190]는 UV(자외선) LED 개발 및 제조 연결종속회사 센서 일렉트로닉 테크놀로지의 주식 537만9천22주를 약 188억원에 추가 취득한다고 22일 공시했다.

주식 취득 뒤 서울바이오시스의 센서 일렉트로닉 테크놀로지 지분율은 65.6%가 된다. 주식 취득 예정일은 다음달 13일이다.



서울바이오시스는 이번 주식 취득의 목적을 "종속회사의 차입금 상환을 통한 재무구조 개선 UV LED 사업 확대를 위한 안정적 기반 마련"이라고 밝혔다.


SETi And Seoul Viosys Ramp UV LED Production

Tuesday 15th September 2020



Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi) and Seoul Viosys, providers of UV LED technology and subsidiaries of Seoul Semiconductor, have started mass production of UV LED module designed to sterilise 99.9 percent of the coronavirus in 3 seconds using Violeds, a UV LED technology developed by Seoul.

Seoul Viosys is also developing a Photon Shower device that applies the UV LED technology to contribute to the safety of medical staff and patients who have been struggling amid COVID-19 pandemic.

The BIO research team at Seoul Viosys has conducted numerous research and development projects with in-house laboratories, cultivating and sterilising various bacteria and viruses. In April 2020, a Violeds sterilisation test conducted with a research group at Korea University demonstrated that Violeds sterilises coronavirus.

The Photon Shower device is a whole-body sterilisation solution that uses only light, (photons) to sterilise various germs on the surface of peoples' clothing in seconds when they enter the Photon Shower. This sterilisation function can also be added to conventional air shower devices, which are used for dust removal only.

The Photon Shower using Violeds technology is expected to contribute to minimising infections in hospitals in the future. According to the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) statistics, more than 14,000 people die annually from hospital infections in the US alone.

“There are countless industrial fields where the Violeds UV LED module, which sterilises 99.9 percent of viruses on the surface of everyday objects in just three seconds, can be applied,” said Mike Berens, director of sales for SETi. “It has been supplied to US escalator manufacturers to be applied to escalator handle sterilisation solutions, and we expect global customer demand to increase in the future.”

Violeds is a UV LED technology jointly developed by SETi and Seoul Viosys through more than 20 years of research and development. It uses only light to sterilise, and can be optimally designed depending on the application by considering the following five factors: wavelengths from 200nm to 400nm, distance to objects, light irradiation time, brightness of light (intensity), angle, and area of irradiation surface.

This technology has already been applied to the International Space Station of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and is also applied to various home appliances and automobiles, including air conditioners, air purifiers, water purifiers and dishwashers.

Applying this technology, Seoul Viosys is also producing an air purifier, the VAC Series which is optimally designed to filter and sterilise 99.9 percent of bacteria and virus particles in 30 seconds; and a multi-steriliser device, the VSM+ Series, which sterilises the surface of everyday objects, removing 99.9 percent of bacteria and virus particles in 10 minutes.