■ Farmland Fund 467

Fonterra has announced a major partnership with a Chinese company and investment to boost its production capacity in New Zealand, '

Fonterra has announced a major partnership with a Chinese company and investment to boost its production capacity in New Zealand, collectively worth nearly $1.2 billion. Fonterra and Chinese infant food manufacturer Beingmate are forming a global partnership they say will help meet China's growing demand for infant formula. The partnership will create a global supply..

Fitch Affirms NZ's Fonterra at 'AA-'; Outlook Stable.Fonterra is the world's largest processor and largest exporter of dairy products

Fri Aug 29, 2014 Fitch Ratings has affirmed New Zealand's (NZ) Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited's (Fonterra) Long and Short-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) at 'AA-' and 'F1+'. The Outlook is Stable. The Long- and Short-Term Senior Unsecured ratings are 'AA-' and 'F1+'. Fitch has also affirmed the ratings of Fonterra's senior unsecured notes at 'AA-', subordinate..

팽창하는 중국 분유시장, 뉴질랜드 ‘폰테라’ 합작회사 세워

2014.8.29 월스트리트저널 뉴질랜드 낙농기업 폰테라 협동조합과 중국의 항저우 빙메이트 그룹이 중국에서 늘고 있는 영아용 분유 수요를 충족시키기 위해 파트너십을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이미 중국에서 분유 ‘앤멈’을 팔고 있는 폰테라는 급성장 중인 중국 시장에서 세력을 더 넓히길 ..

NZ 세계최대 낙농협동조합(낙농가 대부분가입.합병성장),NZ수출의 25%.사료사용 않고 방목으로 건강 우유생산,전지분유,치즈등으로 전세계MS60%이상

뉴질랜드 농업현장을 가다(2) 세계 최대 낙농협동조합 '폰테라' -1만 500여 낙농가 출자 협동조합판매회사 -생산 원유 95% 수출 · 세계적 식품기어봐 파트너십 -연구개발에만 1억달러 투자…다양한 가공품 선보여 뉴질랜드가 자랑하는 세계 최대 낙농기업 ‘폰테라’ ‘폰테라’는 제스프..

MyFarm : is New Zealand’s most experienced farm investment company.?

http://www.myfarm.co.nz/ The MyFarm Story MyFarm is New Zealand’s most experienced farm investment company. While farm ownership has traditionally been beyond most individual investors, MyFarm changed that when, in 1990, our predecessor AGInvest was formed. The founders recognised that New Zealand farmland represented a productive and tangible investment, which generated att..

The Chinese company behind the Crafar farms purchase has signed a deal buy a further 14,000 hectares of prime New Zealand farmland.

2014.8.2 Pengxin, the Chinese company that bought the Crafar farms, has signed up to buy Lochinver Station near Taupo. Conservative Party leader Colin Craig revealed the purchase at a speech to Hasting Greypower yesterday. The 16 Crafar farms, covering about 8000 hectares in the central North Island, were controversially bought by the Pengxin New Zealand Farm Group in December..

■ Farmland Fund 2014.08.28

U.S. farmland values up about 8 percent -averaged $2,950 per acre in 2014, Economists will be tracking farmland sales this fall.

CHICAGO Fri Aug 1, 2014 Aug 1 (Reuters) - The value of U.S. farmland rose about 8 percent in the past year, with the biggest increase in the northern Plains while Corn Belt prices remain the highest, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said &#111&#110 Friday. Farm real estate values, which includes land and buildings, averaged $2,950 per acre in 2014, up 8.1 p..

■ Farmland Fund 2014.08.04