NZ .호주부동산 76

Seismic Assessment of Buildings - Initial Evaluation Procedure (IEP) and Detailed Seismic Assessments

A typical industry standard requirement is that a building must reach a minimum of 33% NBS to not be considered “potentially earthquake prone”. The term “earthquake prone” implies a high level of building damage is expected as a result of a “design” earthquake and this obviously impacts on both the building and the occupants of the building. In many instances, if t..

NZ .호주부동산 2013.09.21

Auckland Mayor Len Brown says he'll fast-track the central rail link (CRL), starting construction in 2016, if he is re-elected.

View full siteVin light site Local Body Elections Advertisement Last updated 16:22 11/09/2013 "Improving rail is crucial because every Aucklander that we can get on to public transport is another car off the road," he said. "If I am re-elected, Auckland Council will develop a funding proposal for presentation to the Government that will facilitate construction commencing in 20..

NZ .호주부동산 2013.09.14

Five Auckland mayoral candidates squared off this evening to debate the issues facing the nation's biggest city.

Mayoral candidates debate future of city Last updated 20:58 04/09/2013 ROB KIDD About 300 people attended what was generally a good-natured affair at Auckland University. Initially there was supposed to be Len Brown, John Palino, Reverend Uesifili Unasa and John Minto involved, but a 15-minute delay saw veteran protestor Penny Bright force her way in too. "Well-behaved women r..

NZ .호주부동산 2013.09.14