Indochina Energy Corporation Limited , registered in Hong Kong, has been established as a new independent energy supply chain venture in southeast Asia. The Company’s business plan is focused on oil and coal terminals and related businesses, mainly midstream and downstream.
Indochina Energy has recently secured equity capital for initial investments and is in the process of raising additional capital. The Company plans on working towards a stock exchange floatation by around 2015.
<Coal Business >
investment strategy
The Company is investing throughout the coal supply chain from coal mines through to coal export and import terminals:
- Coal mines
- Coal mining contractor businesses
- Coal processing, blending and upgrading businesses
- Coal haulage, barging and logistics businesses
- Coal barge terminals
- Coal export terminals
- Coal import terminals
- Coal distribution businesses
Indochina Energy is seeking majority shareholdings in existing operations with expansion potential, but in some situations will also consider strategic minority positions and greenfield projects. The Company is currently evaluating investment opportunities in the coal sector in Indonesia and Vietnam.
Coal Business:
Main areas of interest□
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Indochina Energy is building a coal supply chain business primarily around coal terminal operations in Indonesia. The Company is securing supply from small and medium-sized coal mines both through long term off-take agreements and through equity investments in mines and mining contractors. Coal of different qualities and specifications will be brought to the Company’s coal terminals for aggregation, blending and export.
Indochina Energy will seek to add value by developing a strong marketing team with a high profile brand. The Company will generate blending premiums, tailor products to customer requirements and command higher prices through greater bargaining power with big power and steel customers. The Company will also seek to generate synergies and value through vertical supply chain integration and via best practice governance, human resources management and community relations
Coal business management team
Indochina Energy has put together an initial senior management team for the coal business with extensive experience, based mainly in Jakarta as follows:
- Managing Director: Over 20 years of energy and mining sector investment banking and strategy consulting experience including over 17 years experience working with the coal industry in Indonesia (in Sumatra and Kalimantan), China, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia. Educated at the London School of Economics and Oxford University.
- Director, Logistics & Community Relations: Over 20 years experience in resource sector operations, logistics and trading in Indonesia (timber, base metals, iron ore, coal). Recently Director of Operations for a small coal mining company building output to just under 3Mt.
- Director, Operations: 20 years experience managing coal mining operations in Kalimantan in Indonesia, mainly with BHP Billiton: mine supervisor, drill and blast engineer, senior mine engineer, engineering and environmental superintendent.
- Associate Director, Marketing: 8 years experience in business development in Indonesia including 5 years in mine concession development and 3 years in coal logistics research and trading. Educated at Boston University.
- Senior Advisor, Marketing: 8 years experience as a sales engineer andoperations director for a family coal and diesel boiler business in Indonesia. Educated at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
- Senior Advisor, Business Development: 12 years experience in commodity and real estate investment and trading including 5 years experience developing trading and investment opportunities in Asia in the coal and iron ore industries. Educated at Harvard University
Coal market
Coal-fired power will continue as the dominant form of new power construction in Asia for at least two or three decades to come with strong economic and security advantages over other alternatives. The thermal coal import requirements of southern China, eastern India, southern Vietnam and other coastal areas in South East Asia are all forecast to increase substantially over the next ten to twenty years.
As coal demand increases, new terminals and logistics routes will be needed in new areas of coal supply such as southern Sumatra and central Kalimantan – generating further potential opportunities for companies like Indochina Energy at the upstream and midstream end of the supply chains.
Initial opportunities have been sourced primarily from a network of advisory relationships developed by AWR Lloyd over the past twelve years. Established in 2000, AWR Lloyd is a specialist corporate finance and strategic advisory firm with a focus on the Asia-Pacific energy and mining industries ( The firm has offices and representatives in Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Beijing, Seoul and Austin. AWR Lloyd is Indochina Energy’s financial and investment advisor.
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