■ Farmland Fund/도시농업

Agricool./A farm in the heart of the city!/No more transportation! . Picked that morning, perfectly ripe.

Bonjour Kwon 2018. 9. 1. 07:42

A farm in the heart of the city!


Tasty strawberries, right in the center of Paris. Grown without pesticides, using 90% less water and nutrients, consuming only renewable energy. All flavor: no pesticides, no GMOs, no compromises. Ready to discover strawberry heaven?


-strawberries will always be harvested that morning by our Cooltivators




Gonzague & Guillaume

The founders


“We both grew up in the countryside. We were lucky to have incredible fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides. Can you imagine the change we experienced when we moved to Paris? The good news is that with a healthy dose of optimism, a dream and some technology, we’ve given new life to strawberries, producing fruit like our grandparents used to… right down the street from our building!”



Real fruits

As farmers’ sons, we know the only way to eat well is to grow locally, where we live. We found a solution: the Cooltainers. Imagine strawberries that have grown in the best conditions until the very last second. Imagine a paradise for fruits and vegetables in the heart of our cities.


No more transportation!

Let’s produce locally.



Zero pesticides,

zero transportation,

zero GMOs.



90% less water,

90% less nutrients,

100% renewable energy



A new job and new neighbors, the Cooltivators!


Let’s build together the future of farming!

Our quest isn’t easy, but it is critical. We want to install Cooltainers throughout the cities of the world, letting millions access exceptional fruits and vegetables.





Welcome to Agricool



Go to the profile of Guillaume Fourdinier

Guillaume Fourdinier

Cofounder and CEO, Agricool. www.agricool.co



Feb 16

Agricool Strawberries, Coming to Monoprix ?



So now that our direct sales have been going on for 4 months (jeez, already?!), it’s time for us to step up to the next challenge: getting our strawberries into the fruit and vegetable aisles in your grocery stores. The goal is to find the model that will let us make our fruits and vegetables accessible to everyone, across the whole world. Let’s go! Here’s where we are.



Strawberries are coming !!

A new model

Today we have 4 Cooltainers in Paris (Bercy, Station F, Stade de France, Halle Flachat). Each of them can produce 7 tons of strawberries per year, which is about 28,000 cartons. That gives us a current total production of roughly 112,000 cartons every year. Tomorrow, we’ll have thousands of Cooltainers around the world. The number of cartons won’t be counted in the thousands, but in the millions. And when that happens, we need to have found the right way to sell them easily, efficiently, and at scale.


To make it all work, best to get started right now. The facts are simple: more than 70% of French people buy their fruits and vegetables in a supermarket or hypermarket. In other words, if we want to build a new agricultural model that gives everyone access to better fruits and vegetables, we need to figure out how to sell there. And so we’re about to take our first steps down the grocery stores aisle.


Everybody to Monoprix ?


Here we aaaare !!

For our first store event (???), we chose to go to Monoprix. Why? The store’s mission has been the same since they opened their first store in 1932: “Bringing the best to everyone, in the middle of the city”. It’s pretty close to ours, no?


For us, it’s an incredible opportunity to discover the world of in-store sales. What do we know for sure? Our recipe will stay the same (❤️) and we’ll be preparing for the next steps. Our strawberries will always be harvested that morning by our Cooltivators. This time, they’ll be dropped off in the closest store and displayed in a case specially made by us, just for this purpose, everything done in order for them to be sold that very day. And if you arrive around 10am, you’ll probably cross paths with Charlotte or Georges (our Cooltivators), there to drop off the day’s cartons. And then there’ll be nothing left to do but taste the berries.


Laura and Charlotte, ready for this new challenge !

Test & Learn ?

We’re the first to sell strawberries produced in the heart of the city, without any pesticides and harvested that morning in order to be eaten that day, on Parisian fruits and vegetables aisles. That means that we need to learn a ton about the current sales model as well as everything that we could potentially invent. It’s an incredible challenge!


How will it work, concretely? We’ll tackle it like all of our subjects: by trying it, testing it, proving it. The sum total of what we need to learn is huge. From packaging to the display to the branding to in-store events, we have thousands of things to discover. Then once we’ve understood your expectations and how we can best respond to them, we’ll be able to dream even bigger (?).


The team, looking for the perfect place for our strawberries ✌

So…see you there? ?

Come by on Saturday, February 17 at Monoprix (2 Rue de la Station, 92600 Asnières-sur-Seine) to be part of the first in-store adventure.




Like what you read? Give Guillaume Fourdinier a round of applause.

From a quick cheer to a standing ovation, clap to show how much you enjoyed this story.


Go to the profile of Guillaume Fourdinier

Guillaume Fourdinier

Cofounder and CEO, Agricool. www.agricool.co


Welcome to Agricool

Welcome to Agricool

We grow food where you live.


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계약자 / #AgTech

과일 낙원 인 Agricool

사미르 함라드 지

Samir Hamladji - 기자 2017 년 9 월 14 일

기자 / 정치 경제 학부장 - 재정


"운동을 주도 AgTech "육각 벤처 기업은 2 년 포즈 Agricool의 재단을 재현, 용기에서 재배 농약이나 GMO를하지 않고 딸기를 제공함으로써 "오른쪽으로 돌아갑니다" 실제 생태계 내에서. 몇 가지 성공 사례가 있습니다. 첫 번째 트레이는 월요일에 판매되었으며 대기자 명단은 약 10,000 명입니다!


우수성과 맛의 요구 사항을 찾으십시오. 이러한 특히 맛있는 딸기를 제공하고, "좋은으로 돌아갑니다"할 수있는 길을 열어 2015년 5월 때문에 노력 젊은 촬영 AgriCool의 칭찬 전제, 슈퍼마켓과에서 제공하는 제품의 반 요금은 유기농 매장에서 시행되는 것보다 훨씬 더 접근하기 쉽습니다. 40 평방 미터의 컨테이너에서 재배 된 과일들이 여기 저기에 수도와 주변에 흩어져 있습니다. 모든 마스터 스트로크에서와 마찬가지로 개인적 경험을 토대로 재단은 Agricool의 마스터 빌더 인 Guillaume Fourdinier가 등장했습니다."Gonzague (편집인 Gonzague Gru, 공동 창립자)와 마찬가지로, 나는 프랑스 북부의 농부들의 아들입니다. 우리는 접시 위에서 신선한 제품으로 자랐고 일하러 간 후에 파리에서 어린 시절의 청과물에 비해 품질면에서 차이가 있음을 발견했습니다. 어느 것이 견딜 것이지 . 그것은 처음에, 숙고, 도시에서, 두 어린 시절 친구의 마음에 씨앗이, 욕망 재현하는 그 시간에 딸기의 재배에 적합한 조건이었다 왜 자본에 제공되는 제품의 품질이 좋지 않은가.

